The materials on the toppefirm.com website (the “Site”), are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice on any matter, unless You sign and enter into a Retainer Agreement with Us. If You communicate with Us prior to signing Our Retainer Agreement, whether through the Site, telephone, email, social media, or any other means, Your communication and Our response may not be considered confidential and does not establish an attorney-client relationship between You and Us. An attorney/client relationship with Us can only be established by signing our Retainer Agreement.  

Every effort has been made to accurately represent information.

This Website is Attorney Advertising. Any information contained on the Site with respect to results obtained by The Toppe Firm, LLC is not meant to indicate that the same or similar results can or will be obtained in other cases or situations.  Results will vary depending on the facts and circumstances of each matter.  Prior results do not predict, warrant, or guarantee a similar outcome.  References to past or present clients or the circumstances of their specific matters do not constitute testimonials or endorsements by such clients, nor are they a guaranty, warranty, or prediction of the outcome of Your legal matter. 

While We would like to hear from You, We cannot represent You, or receive any confidential information from You, until You have signed a Retainer Agreement authorizing Us to serve as your attorney.

The Toppe Firm designates Jeffrey C. Toppe Managing Member, located in Charleston, South Carolina as the attorney responsible for the posting of this website.